David Holdsworth


David Holdsworth


Dr. David Holdsworth is a Scientist in the Imaging group at the Robarts Research Institute.  He is also a Professor in the Departments of Surgery and Medical Biophysics in the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, at the University of Western Ontario. For most of the past 15 years, Dr. Holdsworth has been involved in the development of vascular imaging systems, for use in stroke diagnosis and therapy.

In 2007 Dr. Holdsworth became the Dr. Sandy Kirkley Chair in Musculoskeletal Research and has shifted the focus of his research to musculoskeletal disease, with projects ranging from basic skeletal research to clinical therapy. Dr. Holdsworth and his team have developed new methods for musculoskeletal disease detection and treatment for both basic pre-clinical and clinical applications. With collaborators in surgery and engineering, he is developing new techniques to image the interface between bones and metal implants, and to improve techniques for radiostereometric analysis following joint replacement.

Research Domains: Biomedical Technologies and Engineering , Clinical Medicine and Dentistry

Faculty: Schulich Medicine & Dentistry

Member Type: Researcher