David Walton
Associate Professor
Dr. Walton’s research in knowledge syntheses, psychometric evaluations of pain prediction and measurement tools, and mechanistic acute-to-chronic pain research has been published in high-quality journals in the field including the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, The Clinical Journal of Pain, The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT), and Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
As of this writing he has been lead or co-author on 56 peer-reviewed publications and PI or co-investigator on over $800,000 CDN in research funding over the past 6 years. He is a co-founder and past-Chair of the Pain Science Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA), past Chair of CPA’s Professional Development Task Force, current secretary of the International Association for the Study of Pain’s “Pain Education” Special Interest Group, an Associate Editor with the scientific journal Manual Therapy, and an International Editor for JOSPT.
Beyond his own lab he also leads two productive interdisciplinary research teams: the Collaboration for the Integration of Rehabilitation and Consumer Electronics (CIRCLE) group (6 members), and the Solving Traumatic pain and disability through Advanced Research Translation (START) group with over 30 active members representing academic, clinical, and patient advocacy experts. He is an award-winning teacher and mentor, and currently holds the titles of Teaching Fellow and Faculty Scholar at Western University.
Support Staff
G. Paul Nicholson