Douglas Naudie

Douglas Naudie

Dr. Douglas Naudie has been a member of the adult reconstructive faculty in the Department of Surgery (Orthopaedics) at the University of Western Ontario since 2004. Dr. Naudie serves as the Medical Director of the Musculoskeletal Imaging Unit at the Robarts Research Institute. His clinical practice includes primary and revision hip and knee replacement surgery, unicompartmental knee arthroplasty, hip resurfacing, hip osteotomies, and hip arthroscopy. His research interests are in the evaluation of implant fixation, wear, and osteolysis with advanced imaging modalities.

Dr. Naudie has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles and 5 book chapters. He has received the Clinician Scientist Award from the Department of Surgery at the WesternUniversity, the Career Development Award from the Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation, the H.S. Cameron (teaching) Award, the Insall Award (twice) from the Knee Society, the Coventry Award from the Knee Society, the Charnley Award from the Hip Society, and has recently been inducted as a member of The Knee Society. With collaborators Dr. Holdsworth and Dr. Dunning, Dr. Naudie has been funded by CIHR for five years to develop new techniques to image the interface between bones and metal implants, and to develop new techniques for dynamic radiostereometric analysis following joint replacement. Dr. Naudie has helped design and market a new unicompartmental knee implant.

Support Staff

Laura Fleming
519-661-2111 x 85082

Research Domain: Clinical Medicine and Dentistry

Faculty: Schulich Medicine & Dentistry

Member Type: Researcher and Clinician