Pavlos Bobos


Pavlos Bobos


Dr. Pavlos Bobos is a clinical epidemiologist, physical therapist, kinesiologist, and he is currently an Assistant Professor at the School of Physical Therapy at Western University. He is a member of the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Review Group and an editorial advisory member of the European Journal of Pain. He has substantial experience as a meta-analyst in knowledge and advanced evidence synthesis, including meta-regression, individual patient data meta-analysis, Bayesian methodology, Network meta-analysis and clinical trials in MSK-related research. His research interests are focusing on developing and testing new interventions targeting chronic pain. He is a research associate in The Ontario COVID-19 Science Table where he is rapidly synthesizing evidence and creating policy recommendations with the Public Health Ontario to advise the government of Ontario on policy decisions.

Research Domain: Rehabilitation and Health Sciences

Faculty: Health Sciences

Member Type: Researcher