Susan Hunter
Assistant Professor
Susan Hunter
Assistant Professor
Dr. Susan Hunter is an Assistant Professor in the School of Physical Therapy at the University of Western Ontario. She is a Physical Therapist with 27 years of clinical experience and has a PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, both from the University of Western Ontario. Dr. Hunter’s research interests are the rehabilitation of geriatric patients, particularly the cognitively-impaired older adult, and their experience of falls, frailty and mobility decline.
She also has interests in fall prevention among patient populations of lower extremity amputees, joint arthroplasty and Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Hunter's specific interest are in balance, gait and their interaction with cognition for postural stability. Her research has been supported by the Alzheimer Association (USA), CIHR Institute of Aging, Alzheimer Society of Canada and Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada. She received the CIHR Institute of Aging AgePlus Prize, Ontario Research Coalition Early Researcher Award and the Cowdry Prize from the Canadian Geriatrics Society.